

Symbols are powerful and have their own language and effects. Right from ancient times, man's life has been strongly connected with various symbols. According to the founder Amar V Katkar, "Symbols Are The Formulators (sutradhar) Of The Conscious And The Subconscious Mind, And Should Be Handled With Great Care. The human subconscious mind only understands the 'language of symbols' the expansion of this subconscious mind is in two domains-one, the inner mind of man, and second, the inner space of a building in which we live. Basically, the human mind gets programmed from the space where it lives, i.e., the space inside a built-up area or building".

The space in a building, as per mahavastu can be divided into16 zones. By placing an appropriate symbol/remedy in the appropriate mahavastu zone, we can programme our space to fulfil our desires. And your space gets programmed accordingly. This is also called the space programming technique of mahavastu.similarly, there are numerous vastu Santulan symbols/remedies, which when kept in the right direction/zone related to your wish, you can programme your space for fulfilment of your desires create wonders by making your life more Successful, Prosperous, Healthier & Happier .

Red Pair Horses

Red Pair Horses

For Quick Flow of Money

The Red Horses enable you to optimise the efforts that you put into any work. This effort is then converted into money and recognition. Basically, Horses represent the Water element and the colour Red signifies the Fire element. Though both the Fire and Water are opposing forces that destroy each other, Red Horses have a strange ability to harmonise these two elements. A similar balance exists in the Manipura Chakra between the Fire and Water element. This remedy helps you to establish a respectful reputation in your professional or business and social circles

White Pair Horses

White Pair Horses

Ensures Monetary Support

By placing a Pair of White Horses on the floor in the North-West (NW) Zone of your building, you can ensure that Banks and other financial institutions will sanction your loans and meet your other financial requirements, as well. This remedy removes any obstacles relating to financial or money matters


Brass Lion

Makes you Powerful and Majestic

The first change that you will notice is the strengthening of your own personality. You will also begin to exert a stronger influence on society. When interacting with a government organisation, if you feel afraid and need to appear influential, then use the brass Lion. It also ensures a steady flow of wealth generated through the influence of your company, business and your personality. Caution: However, make sure that the Lion is facing the centre of the building.


Brass Nandi Bull

Secures your Business

Lord Shivas trusted steed the Nandi Bull protects a business against any unforeseen calamity or danger, and promotes trust and loyalty.Besides protecting the business, the Nandi Bull is also responsible for forging long and faithful partnerships with other supporting businesses and business persons. Public Limited companies or institutes that deal with shareholders can strengthen the trust and loyalty that their clients have in them by using the Nandi Bull. In shops and institutions, the Nandi Bull attracts more customers and ensures their trust and satisfaction.



Gives Speed and Agility

A Brass Deer fills you with youthful energy removing stress or lethargy This remedy works to detoxify your mind of negative thoughts and blocked emotions. It infuses vitality and speed into any sluggish system, and has the ability to smoothen-out any serious, or tangled-up situation. This remedy also attracts dedicated people to work with you. Note: The Deer also encourages people to work and perform better usually, beyond their expected capabilities.


Indra Dev

Grants Organised Systems

Indra Dev, considered as the Lord of Heaven or Swargaloka, is responsible for the smooth and orderly functioning of the Heaven. Therefore, as a MahaVastu Remedy, it helps to organise your work, and bring a sense of order in your life! By placing this remedy, you can be sure that you will meet new people, and develop new contacts or connections. Indra Dev also ensures that skilled people join you and your business. In addition to this, if your work seems to be disorganised, then this remedy will help you bring a sense of order in your life, and will assist you to get it back on track. It also removes obstacles which you may face when starting a new project, or work that requires you to deal with the government.
Caution: Ensure that no statues or pictures of Gods (Devtas) or Goddesses (Devis) are placed with the statue of Indra Dev. This remedy brings about very quick changes, such as, sudden opportunities or unexpected benefits and gains. Hence, it must be used judiciously.


Kamdhenu Cow

Fulfils Your Desires

As per the Pauranic tales, when the Gods and demons churned the oceans, the Kamdhenu Cow is one of the 14 gems that was received.It also assists you in fulfilling your wishes and desires. According to the Hindus, the Kamdhenu Cow has heavenly powers, and is especially effective in attracting profits from land and agricultural technology.
Note: This remedy helps you to successfully complete projects related to mining, building/construction and structural design.



Makes You Rich & Wealthy

Yakshraj Kuber is the Lord of Wealth and guardian of all the treasures of the universe. Effects: He is considered to be the wealthiest devta or God.Kuber has the ability to translate your actions into riches and growth, helping you to achieve bliss and abundant wealth.
Note:However,do not worship LordKuber with incense sticks, dhoop, or diya (earthen lamps), etc.



Helps to Experience True Love

Love Birds helps to strengthen the love and bonding between two friends, lovers or between a husband and wife. Note: In case your child is of marriageable age, place the Love Birds in the South-West corner of your home. This will ensure that your child gets an understanding and loving life partner.


Wooden Pyramid

The Enhancers



Develops Beneficial Business Connections

This tried and tested remedy ensures that even unknowingly done actions also get rewarded. The black and white Rabbits are experts at forging relationships and contacts, and building a network that is useful for your business and career. They make sure that your work and efforts do not remain unnoticed or forgotten, and convert expenditure into profitable returns.


Red Elephant

Bring fame and recognition

This remedy can be placed either in the North Zone, or in the South Zone, or even in both these zones simultaneously. When placed in the South Zone, the Red Elephant brings you fame and recognition in the area of your work.When placedin the North, it enables your company or organisation to become famous and well respected. The Red Elephant also brings strength, abundance and success.
Cautions:However, when placing this remedy, make sure that the Elephant must face the centre of the building. Do not apply the Red Elephant alone as a remedy, asit is very powerful, and can cause arrogance, vanity and conceitedness in a person along with confidence and success!


Brass Eagle

Sharpens Your Skills

Eagle or the Garuda, Lord Vishnus trusted mount, is a metaphysical symbol. It is an eagle with a human face. Lord Vishnu is considered as the preserver and the one responsible for all the life processes. His vehicle, the Garuda symbolises the skills needed to manage and run a system.The South-West is the Vastu Zone of Skills & Relationships, and an Eagle placed here will enhance the abilities you have.
Note:However, the Eagle must face the North-East Vastu Zone. The Eagle is the national bird of USA. It is also on the government and national seals of Dubai. Hence,in both these examples, you find that the Eagle provides these countries with a certain special power by which they command administrative superiority and respect over other countries.



Improves skills, concentration

Garuda, Lord Vishnus trusted mount, is an eagle with a human face. If kept on a table in the South-West zone, it will enhance your abilities and far sightedness



Helps you get Prosperity and Money

Owl, the vehicle of goddess Laxmi, is responsible for your financial and monetary gains. It enhances your ability to foresee the events and also sharpens your vision. It should be kept in the West zone of your home.


Ashoka Pillar

Handle Government Departments

An Ashoka Pillar mainly yields exceptional results in areas such as government favours, promotions and recognition. It has been proved that with the use of this powerful remedy, newly elected members of parliament were able to get prestigious posts in the central government in spite of their young age and inexperience. This remedy also benefits those, whose work or progress is slow due to the sluggish working of a government organisation. The Ashoka Pillar also helps in procuring government contracts.


Lush Green Landscape

Creates New Opportunities

A painting/photograph of Lush Green Landscape, when hung on the wall in the North (N) zone of a building, can help create new opportunities, and generate fame and respect from the work done.This is a powerful remedy, and ensures that any work you do yields fruitful results in terms of money.


Village Scene

Manifests Your Dream Home

A painting of a Village Scene in a black frame, when hung on a wall in the West-South-West zone of a building enables a person to buy his or her own property.This is one of the most reliable remedies that can be applied to ensure that you buy your own home or work space. It is also useful in getting you your rightful share in ancestral property.


Surya Dev

Grants Regal Power

Surya Dev or the Sun represents the governing or ruling power. The Sun is also responsible for developing relationships with influential people.If you want to use the strength and support of powerful and influential people to establish yourself successfully in your career or business, then the Sun can be used as a remedy. It helps you to use your wisdom and skills to build relations that spread your glory and name and fame all around.



Ensures your Win

The Sword has been extensively used as a Vastu remedy in ancient India. Its main use was and still is to ensure power and victory. This victory may be in the form of increased profits, winning court cases or political battles, or even in getting coveted contracts.This remedy also generates social respect, honour and encourages you to lead and influence people


Aluminium Wire

Length: 2.5 mtr 16 gauge

Aluminium Wire with crystal capsule Technique proves to be very handy when it comes to rectification of bad effects of toilets and entrances without making any demolitions. There are five types of metal Wires - SS wire, Brass wire, Aluminum wire, Copper wire and MS wire. Which are used to negate the harmful effects of unbalanced entrance and toilets.
Length:2.5 mtr 16 gauge


Brass Wire

Length: 2.5 mtr 16 gauge

Brass Wire with crystal capsule Technique proves to be very handy when it comes to rectification of bad effects of toilets and entrances without making any demolitions. There are five types of metal Wires - SS wire, Brass wire, Aluminum wire, Copper wire and MS wire. Which are used to negate the harmful effects of unbalanced entrance and toilets.


Copper Wire

Length: 2.5 mtr 16 gauge

Copper Wire with crystal capsule Technique proves to be very handy when it comes to rectification of bad effects of toilets and entrances without making any demolitions. There are five types of metal Wires - SS wire, Brass wire, Aluminum wire, Copper wire and MS wire. Which are used to negate the harmful effects of unbalanced entrance and toilets.


MS Wire

Length: 2.5 mtr 16 gauge

Mild steel Wire with crystal capsule Technique proves to be very handy when it comes to rectification of bad effects of toilets and entrances without making any demolitions. There are five types of metal Wires - SS wire, Brass wire, Aluminum wire, Copper wire and MS wire. Which are used to negate the harmful effects of unbalanced entrance and toilets.



Length: 2.5 mtr 16 gauge

SS 304 Wire with crystal capsule Technique proves to be very handy when it comes to rectification of bad effects of toilets and entrances without making any demolitions. There are five types of metal Wires - SS wire, Brass wire, Aluminum wire, Copper wire and MS wire. Which are used to negate the harmful effects of unbalanced entrance and toilets.


Blue Tape

Remove vastu faults in a building

Just like Medical Science, vastu Santulan starts with accurate diagnosis of the problem. Elemental Strip Technique is one of the 16 Vastu zone techniques used to remove vastu faults in a building.
This technique involves use of colour strips to correct the elemental imbalance in a space. In order to balance the affected zone, colour strips (3-4 wide) are pasted on the floor or on the skirting along the floor.To decide which colour needs to be added or removed, we have to first find out the cause of imbalance in the troubled zone. Only with this systematic process, we can establish the balanced state and reap the benefits associated with that zone..
The purpose of this Elemental Strip Technique is to block any unfavourable activity or anti-activity (normally toilets) by pasting the tapes on the floor around the toilet seat. This technique can also be used to nullify the ill-effects of the improper entrances.


Golden Tape

Remove vastu faults in a building

Just like Medical Science, vastu Santulan starts with accurate diagnosis of the problem. Elemental Strip Technique is one of the 16 Vastu zone techniques used to remove vastu faults in a building.
This technique involves use of colour strips to correct the elemental imbalance in a space. In order to balance the affected zone, colour strips (3-4 wide) are pasted on the floor or on the skirting along the floor.To decide which colour needs to be added or removed, we have to first find out the cause of imbalance in the troubled zone. Only with this systematic process, we can establish the balanced state and reap the benefits associated with that zone.
The purpose of this Elemental Strip Technique is to block any unfavourable activity or anti-activity (normally toilets) by pasting the tapes on the floor around the toilet seat. This technique can also be used to nullify the ill-effects of the improper entrances.


Green Tape

Remove vastu faults in a building

Elemental Strip Technique with Coloured Tape - Green.
Just like Medical Science, vastu Santulan starts with accurate diagnosis of the problem. Elemental Strip Technique is one of the 16 Vastu zone techniques used to remove vastu faults in a building.
This technique involves use of colour strips to correct the elemental imbalance in a space. In order to balance the affected zone, colour strips (3- 4 wide) are pasted on the floor or on the skirting along the floor.To decide which colour needs to be added or removed, we have to first find out the cause of imbalance in the troubled zone. Only with this systematic process, we can establish the balanced state and reap the benefits associated with that zone.
The purpose of this Elemental Strip Technique is to block any unfavourable activity or anti-activity (normally toilets) by pasting the tapes on the floor around the toilet seat. This technique can also be used to nullify the ill-effects of the improper entrances


Red Tape

Remove vastu faults in a building

Elemental Strip Technique with Coloured Tape - Red.
Just like Medical Science, vastu Santulan starts with accurate diagnosis of the problem. Elemental Strip Technique is one of the 16 Vastu zone techniques used to remove vastu faults in a building.
This technique involves use of colour strips to correct the elemental imbalance in a space. In order to balance the affected zone, colour strips (3- 4 wide) are pasted on the floor or on the skirting along the floor.To decide which colour needs to be added or removed, we have to first find out the cause of imbalance in the troubled zone. Only with this systematic process, we can establish the balanced state and reap the benefits associated with that zone.
The purpose of this Elemental Strip Technique is to block any unfavourable activity or anti-activity (normally toilets) by pasting the tapes on the floor around the toilet seat. This technique can also be used to nullify the ill-effects of the improper entrances


Silver Tape

Remove vastu faults in a building

Elemental Strip Technique with Coloured Tape - Silver.
Just like Medical Science, vastu Santulan starts with accurate diagnosis of the problem. Elemental Strip Technique is one of the 16 Vastu zone techniques used to remove vastu faults in a building.
This technique involves use of colour strips to correct the elemental imbalance in a space. In order to balance the affected zone, colour strips (3- 4 wide) are pasted on the floor or on the skirting along the floor.To decide which colour needs to be added or removed, we have to first find out the cause of imbalance in the troubled zone. Only with this systematic process, we can establish the balanced state and reap the benefits associated with that zone.
The purpose of this Elemental Strip Technique is to block any unfavourable activity or anti-activity (normally toilets) by pasting the tapes on the floor around the toilet seat. This technique can also be used to nullify the ill-effects of the improper entrances


White Tape

Remove vastu faults in a building

Elemental Strip Technique with Coloured Tape - White.
Just like Medical Science, vastu Santulan starts with accurate diagnosis of the problem. Elemental Strip Technique is one of the 16 Vastu zone techniques used to remove vastu faults in a building.
This technique involves use of colour strips to correct the elemental imbalance in a space. In order to balance the affected zone, colour strips (3- 4 wide) are pasted on the floor or on the skirting along the floor.To decide which colour needs to be added or removed, we have to first find out the cause of imbalance in the troubled zone. Only with this systematic process, we can establish the balanced state and reap the benefits associated with that zone.
The purpose of this Elemental Strip Technique is to block any unfavourable activity or anti-activity (normally toilets) by pasting the tapes on the floor around the toilet seat. This technique can also be used to nullify the ill-effects of the improper entrances


Yellow Tape

Remove vastu faults in a building

Elemental Strip Technique with Coloured Tape - Yellow.
Just like Medical Science, vastu Santulan starts with accurate diagnosis of the problem. Elemental Strip Technique is one of the 16 Vastu zone techniques used to remove vastu faults in a building.
This technique involves use of colour strips to correct the elemental imbalance in a space. In order to balance the affected zone, colour strips (3- 4 wide) are pasted on the floor or on the skirting along the floor.
To decide which colour needs to be added or removed, we have to first find out the cause of imbalance in the troubled zone. Only with this systematic process, we can establish the balanced state and reap the benefits associated with that zone. The purpose of this Elemental Strip Technique is to block any unfavourable activity or anti-activity (normally toilets) by pasting the tapes on the floor around the toilet seat. This technique can also be used to nullify the ill-effects of the improper entrances


Cosmic Yantra

Yantras have been used in Vastu for thousands of years in order to balance defects on the energetic and karmic plane. This effect is due to the following elements which when taken together form a yantra:Geometric elements: In general, yantras are made of complex geometric elements which form a geometric whole. Simply by applying yantras, the energetic quality of a room is being influenced, especially if a yantra is applied to one of the energetic key points of a room. The Shri Yantra is a good example, because here the energetic elements very clearly form a unity, which is dedicated to the goddess of fortune, Lakshmi. The Shri Yantra consists of a combination of nine triangles of different angles and sizes which penetrate each other. Five triangles are arranged in such a way that their horizontal lines are parallel and the other four triangles are arranged in the exact opposite direction. The figure that is formed by these triangles contains 43 small triangles with each one of them manifesting its own specific energy.The nine penetrating triangles represent the process of creation. The five triangles pointing from the top to the bottom represent the male impuls of creation known as Shiva, while the four triangles pointing from the bottom to the top represent the female power of creation known as Shakti. Taken together the two form a dynamic field of force in which the cosmic creation takes place


Himalayan Rock Salt

Remove vastu faults in a building

Rock salt crystals can effectively improve the quality of air by producing a quality wind energy - the "vitamins of the air". (Important vastu element-wind)
Himalayan rocks are used in feng shui and vastu are powerful eliminators of negative energy, It also absorbs the negative energy in the environment.
Crystal Rock salt uses:-Existance of negative energy in the room can be cleared by placing a one rock each in four corners of the room.This rock can also be kept near the door to keep the evil eye away from the house.
This rock can be carried by a sick person to generate healthy energy.Student can carry this rock with them to have powerful energies during their studies at school and home.


Geopathic Neutralizer Rods

Remove vastu faults in a building

Geopathic stress means problem arising through earth. It is also called "Earth Radiation".Below the level of earth, negative energy rises to the top level due to more energy and dirty and poisonous water.In some places of our house, these earth radiations are stress kendrit and this stress gives negative effect to human bodies and our lives.80 percent diseases are due to earth radiations.If a person sleeps or sits in this area for longer, that person will face a severe disease.So it becomes very important to release this earth radiation using Geopathic Neutralizer Rods.Two rods are used to release one point.This advance yantra has become very useful for Vastu Shastris.Once this energy is released from the house, it becomes very important to release it from the human body as well in order to avoid the diseases.