

Gemology is the scientific study of gemstones, which often involves the study of mineralogical fundamentals such as formations, genesis, localities, physical properties and identification of gemstones. It includes the basic knowledge of structural, crystallographic, chemical and physical characteristics and properties of gems. It also involves the way in which gemstones are fashioned.

Special Gemology deals with categories and varieties of gemstones, synthetic stones and imitations. Conventionally, the organic substances such as amber, pearls, coral and the non-minerals are also included in this subject of special gemology.

Practical Gemology refers to the application of the knowledge of characteristics and properties of gemstones in identification or separation of synthetics and imitations. Diamond grading is included in practical gemology.

According to science, every living or non-living item has a energy. But we don't know whether it is positive or negative energy. In daily routine, a person may carry wallet, belt, gold, silver, gem-stones. These each item has energy and energy of these items impact on our body. Suppose, a person put on belt and if belt is negative then there will be stomach problem to a person. We can check the compatibility of each item with the help of scientific instrument

What are the Gemstones?

Gemstones are usually minerals but sometimes organic substances. What separates them from minerals in general is that they are used in jewelry or for ornamentation. That is a very thin line of separation, but usually we take 5 factors into account:
