Geopathic Stress In Home

Detection & cure of Geopathic Stress in your Home

Our Home is our favorite place in the world. Home is a shelter where you feel protected & safe. It's your comfort zone where you live with your family and seek healthy & growth of everyone. However, if your home is situated on disturbed Geopathic Stress (GS) Lines,then it's a dangerous situation for you and your family.Let's understand how Geopathic Stress (GS) affects your Home and your personal health & happiness. Living & Sleeping on GS is very stressful, as a large area of your body is exposed to the GS. While we sleep at night half of the time our brain has to work towards your comfort and health and balance half it takes a rest hence we wake up fresh and healthy in the morning.

On the other hand, if you sleep on GS than your brain has to spend all the time and energy towards your healing and as result you never feel fresh in the morning. During sleep your brain is occupied in creating new cells, giving the right signals for your body to operate properly and absorb the correct level of vitamins and minerals together with adjusting hormone balance. GS will interfere with this process and leave your immune system weak. It directly does not give you any disease, but weakens your immunity.

There are many symptoms of Geopathic Stress in your home :

Mood Swings Premature Medical Problems Sleep Disorder
Negative feeling Diarrhea / Constipation Feeling Disorder
Unreasonable sadness Migraine headache Difficulty in falling asleep
Worry Increasing blood pressure Difficulty staying asleep
Memory Problem Cramping Waking up frequently
Agression Stomachache Restless Sleep
Lack of Interest Sudden lose / Increased weight Nightmares
Dicision Making Problems Loss / Lack of interest in sex Night Sweats
Immune System Weakness Strokes Hypertention
Drowsiness Cardiovascular diseases Anxiety
Headaches Heart attack Weakness\Feeling depressed
Fatique Cancer Depression
Accelerated human heart beat Kidney Disorder Allergies
Increased breathing rate Arthritis Skin disease
Increased blood sugar Diabetes Miscarriage
Muscle cramps Ulcer
Tingling in arms & legs Hyperactivity of the thyroid gland
Inability to heal Temporary impotence
Learning problems Loss / Lack of interest in sex