Aura Scanning

Aura Scanning

In the present century most of us are familiar with Aura or bio energy. This is being taught as bio technology, bio chemistry in the Universities dealing with human cell energy. Aura is nothing but light energy, emitting from animate and inanimate objects. Like any energy it is not visible to our naked eye, but there are aura readers in India using their third eye. The aura has come to lime light after the discovery of Simon Kirlian photography (1939), but this is known to our ancients since vedic time. In Adharwa veda we see it as halloes around the heads of all Gods. This is referred as Divya kanti valaya or circular Devine light, which is nothing but Aura. Our great Vysa Maharshi, termed energies related to Jada shakti which means matter possess energy and he called life energy as Chi-Shakti (Chi=Prana) and Light Energy as parama- jyoti, in his version Lalita sahasranama. Latter our famous scientist sir Einstein has also used the same words in his famous formula E=mc2 where "E" stands for Energy, "m" stands for matter, and "c" stands for velocity of light. This work has reappeared to us after 5000 years.We are being taught this modern science, forgetting our own ancient rich culture and heritage. As per our modern scientists the human beings are analyzed as a Bio Electro magnetic body*, where as per Vedic science Human represented as matter plus being stands for pranic energy. When prana goes away leaving the body then, the matter only remains in form ashes.

It is said that the weight of the ashes is equal to the weight of the infant weight when born.Secondly our scientists termed the 'Earth' as a huge magnetic body having North Pole and South Pole at its ends. It is surrounded by a net work of electrical grids carrying electrical energy and it can also be called Electro Magnetic body.Thirdly the Sun energy reaches as heat and Light energy is also called Electro Magnetic waves. Correlating the above sentences having star symbols, we find Human beings, Light energy; Earth energies are similar in their properties and they are inseparable. These energies cannot be created nor destroyed. They always exist in one form or the other. Hence human being is the microcosm of the microcosm of the Universe responds to similar composition and frequencies. The Prana that exists is reappears as rebirth (punarjanma), which was emphasized in our Puranas. Taking the example of water (we possess 70%) it converts into vapor reaches the sky and reappear as rain from Cosmos. In similar way it appears that the prana reappears on the Earth. This is not an Indian philosophy, but this is a big unfolded Vedic science. Scanning the aura is an integral part of energy work. The following approaches can be used to scan the aura

Human Energy :

If a person can do a lot of work we can say that he has lot of energy or he is very energetic. In Physics also, anything which is able to do the work is said to possess energy, "Energy is Ability to Do the Whole"

What Is Positive And Negative Energy :

There are two types of energies in the Universe. One is positive Constructive energy and the other is negative or distructive energy. In Positive Energy the electrons in the atom rotates or spin clockwise similar to the Earth rotation around the Sun. They are as per the natural law, spinning. If the same electrons rotates anticlockwise the material has acquired negative energy."Energy of a Healthy person is 2.5 meter"

Visual Approach :

Some people are highly visual. They can just take one look at someone and receive information about the health of his or her aura. They may also see colours and shapes that represent the flow of energy in the aura. There are yet others who are able to see disruptions in the flow of energy in their third eye.

Kinaesthetic Approach :

Some people are more kinaesthetic. They may not actually see energetic blocks with their eyes, but they can sense disruptions in the flow of energy in the aura. They may feel these disruptions as sensations of heat, cold, tingling etc.

Combination Technique :

It is also possible to use a combination of the visual and kinaesthetic approaches.